Hello Worldโ€ฆ. Again!

Welcome to my new blog, Cloud Security Insider. Having been absent and neglecting my blogging focusing on LinkedIn and Twitter (X), as well as a number of other factors over the course of the last year.

Its time for me to start blogging, doing more social activities within the community and publishing more useful information.

The idea behind the blog and the name, was that my previous blog, was more focused around everything to do with Cloud adoption and my professional career has shifted to a focus of Cloud Security and more importantly the Microsoft Cloud Security Portfolio of products.

Therefore my blog needed to change, and I was also getting frustrated with the cost of running a Wordpress site, having to modify and add additional components to the site to get things working or to enhance the capability. All of which made the site slow and not as responsive as I would of liked.

I will also write a blog shortly on the development of this site and how its come to be built, the journey is ongoing with it and there may be a migration needed in the future, but hold tight there and we shall see.

What about Shiftingtothecloud?

My old blog is going to be migrated over to here, keeping the timestamps in place, its a work in progress as I need to covert from Wordpress to Markdown, but shouldnโ€™t take long to achieve what I need to do with it. Once fully migrated I will shift the domain to point to here.

How often will I blog?

I am aiming for a blog a week, but that will depend on a number of bits, but I will try to post regularly.

What other things am I doing?

I will also be looking for speaking opportunities at conferences and events, I am open to discussing mentoring others who want to progress their career. I am also looking into a couple of other avenues, which will enable me to build a portfolio and to get back to running a user group again, after a year of silence.