In the ongoing battle against vulnerabilities, enterprise security teams face challenges such as inadequate resources and complexities, resulting in prolonged patching periods. Microsoft Security Services for Incident Response addresses these concerns, offering solutions for effective vulnerability management. This blog explores strategies to automate and optimise the vulnerability management process on Windows clients using tools like Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, Microsoft Intune, and Azure AD, all while keeping costs low.

Automation: A Powerful Ally

Automation plays a crucial role in modern vulnerability management systems by addressing key areas:

  1. Security Team Efficiency: Automation reduces the need for manual authorisation, allowing security teams to focus on strategic initiatives without compromising the implementation of mitigations.
  2. Trust in Results: Automation minimises distrust in results due to human error and environment complexity, providing a more accurate and up-to-date view of the IT environment.
  3. Time and Cost Efficiency: Automation prevents wasted time and increased expenses by facilitating comprehensive and consistent vulnerability management efforts, even in unique scenarios.

Deploying a Simple Solution with Microsoft Tools

The combination of Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, Microsoft Intune, and Azure AD offers an end-to-end vulnerability management solution for both on-premises and remote employees. The suggested solution involves several steps:

  1. Azure AD Registration: Ensure all Windows devices are Azure AD registered or joined, providing greater control and configuration capabilities.
  2. Automatic Enrollment: Mitigate human error by automatically enrolling Azure AD joined or registered devices in Intune, with BYOD scenarios restricted to Mobile Application Management (MAM).
  3. Onboarding to Defender for Endpoint: Recurrently assess vulnerability status on onboarded devices, allowing monitoring through the Microsoft 365 Defender portal.
  4. Dynamic Device Groups: Create dynamic groups based on update deployment order to maintain control during patching, eliminating the need for manual adjustments.
  5. Automatic Deployment of Windows Update: Configure updates on Intune to propagate according to preset schedules, ensuring patching even for users on the move.
  6. Security Baselines via Intune: Deploy security baselines to enforce uniformity in hardening efforts, utilising ready-to-use baselines from Microsoft or creating custom ones.
  7. Organisational-Approved Applications: Deploy third-party applications via Intune to ensure prompt and uniform vulnerability mitigation, offering control over installations.
  8. Track and Report via Microsoft 365 Defender Portal: Utilise the portal to monitor vulnerability management efforts, export data, and ensure up-to-date information.


Vulnerability management is critical for any enterpriseโ€™s security programme, and Microsoft tools like Defender for Endpoint, Intune, and Azure AD simplify and enhance these efforts. By automating and optimising operations, businesses can free up valuable time and resources to focus on broader security-related objectives. For more details, refer to the original article.